Advisory boards and commissions
Boards and Commissions Links

Applications are currently being accepted for the following boards and commissions:
- Board of Review (Local Board of Appeal and Equalization) - Open until filled
Apply online. For more information, contact or 952-563-8733.
Advisory boards and commissions provide for community participation in issues concerning the City and its residents. The City Council values the comments and recommendations from the various advisory boards and commissions.
Each board and commission has different roles and responsibilities. Terms of service, size, and qualifications may vary. Look for notifications of open positions on this page, or inquire with the Community Outreach and Engagement Division to find out when applications will be accepted for positions you're interested in.

The Advisory Board of Health might be a good opportunity for you! Participate in discussions for health in all policies, and influence decision-makers on promoting, protecting, and caring for the well-being in the community.
3-year term
7 adult members
The Creative Placemaking Commission would suit you well! You’ll help accomplish the City’s goals for change, growth and transformation of the South Loop District in a way that also builds character and quality of place in Bloomington. Starting in 2023, creative placemaking efforts will extend throughout the City of Bloomington.
3-year term
9 adult members
The Human Rights Commission could be a great way to get involved! Advise City leaders on issues related to race, disability, sexual orientation, and other protected classes. Sample activities include participating in selection of the Omar Bonderud Award, and policy promoting gender neutral bathrooms.
3-year term
7 adult members, 2 youth members
The Parks, Arts, and Recreation Commission might be a good fit! You’ll participate in the parks master plan and advice on cultural programs that will shape Bloomington for years to come.
3-year term
6 adult members, 1 youth member
The Planning Commission could be a way to serve your community! Advise the City on things like street layout and striping, on street parking, neighborhood traffic plans, transportation grant applications, transit systems, pedestrian way, and bicycle traffic.
3-year term
7 adult members
The Sustainability Commission sounds like a match for you! Give your point of view on the management of environmental resources that include air, water, energy, land and ecological resources, and waste. Help your community by ensuring that such resources will be sustained and continue to provide for a high quality of life for present and future generations.
3-year term
9 adult members
Charter Commission
Studies issues and makes recommendations on proposed changes to the City Home Rule Charter on municipal governance.
15 adult members
Appointed by Hennepin County judge
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Governs the activities of the Bloomington Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
5-year term
5 adult members
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization
Conducts hearings and makes final property classification and assessment determinations. Members have experience as an appraiser, realtor, real estate attorney or property manager, or are otherwise familiar with real estate valuation in the city. At least two of the members shall have experience in commercial, industrial and/or apartment valuation.
Merit Board
Oversees the administration of the City’s merit system for City employees and establishes and maintains rules and policies for human resource administration.
Port Authority
Coordinates and supports orderly commercial and industrial development throughout the City.
6-year term
7 adult members
Meetings and minutes
- Live stream of City Council meetings and select commissions
(while meetings are in progress) - Agendas, webcasts and documents
The City of Bloomington does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Bloomington services, programs and activities. Upon request, this information can be available in Braille, large print, audio tape and/or electronic format by contacting Community Outreach and Engagement at 952-563-8733.
Board or commission | Term length | Term start | Term limit | # of adult members |
# of youth members |
Advisory Board of Health | 3 years | Mar 1 | 2 terms | 7 | 0 |
Charter Commission | 4 years | Various | No | 15 | 0 |
Creative Placemaking Commission | 3 years | Mar 1 | 2 terms | 9 | 0 |
Housing and Redevelopment Authority | 5 years | Jan 1 | No | 5 | 0 |
Human Rights Commission | 3 years | Mar 1 | 2 terms | 7 | 2 |
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization | 3 years | July 1 | No | 5 | 0 |
Merit Board | 3 years | Jan 1 | No | 3 | 0 |
Parks, Arts and Recreation Commission | 3 years | Mar 1 | 2 terms | 6 | 1 |
Planning Commission | 3 years | July 1 | 2 terms | 7 | 0 |
Port Authority | 6 years | Jan 1 | No | 7 | 0 |
Sustainability Commission | 3 years | Mar 1 | 2 terms | 9 | 2 |