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Port Authority


Port Authority


5-Year Economic Development Action Plan Process

The Port Authority of the City of Bloomington is undergoing a 5-Year Economic Development Action Plan. This plan will be key to guiding the Port's economic development work as it expands from working exclusively in the South Loop to offering programs and assistance citywide. 

Keep up with the plan's progress on our Let's Talk Bloomington page

The Bloomington Port Authority works alongside the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to support economic development throughout the city. The Port Authority focuses on:

  • Economic and real estate development
  • Small business assistance
  • Creative placemaking

Work with us

The Port Authority works with individuals, businesses, developers, and partners looking to invest in Bloomington. Ways to work with us:

  • Discuss your site selection goals in Bloomington
  • Start or grow a small business
  • Explore incentives to develop or redevelop real estate in priority areas
  • Develop affordable housing with incentives
  • Bring your company to Bloomington or expand an existing company
  • Bring public art into your development project or neighborhood
  • Get guidance on grants, loans, or resources for businesses of any size
  • Sell land to the Port Authority for future redevelopment

Contact the Port Authority to be directed to a team member for further information portauthority@bloomingtonmn.gov952-563-8873.

News and Events
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 7–10 p.m.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 - 12–2 p.m.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 5:15–6 p.m.

Port Authority history

The Bloomington Port Authority was created in the 1980s to facilitate the redevelopment of the former Metropolitan Stadium site into the Mall of America. Over time, its work expanded to assist a wider range of projects throughout the South Loop neighborhood, including high tech manufacturing, hotels, and residential development. In 2022 and 2023 the Port expanded its redevelopment and creative placemaking services Citywide and added small business assistance services to its economic development capabilities. 

Bloomington's Port is on the Minnesota River. It is a smaller port capable of mooring for barges. 

Bloomington business continuum
bloomington business continuum

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Bloomington's business contiuum runs from small to large businesses through every stage:

  • Ideation/planning/start-up
  • Early stage/launcing
  • Operating
  • Growing
  • Expanding/relocation

The City of Bloomington's services include two levels:

  1. Information, connection and promotion
  2. Grants, loans and incentives

Bloomington's partner services provide technical assistance and consulting