
Alternative Transportation Plan


Alternative Transportation Plan Update

On November 21, 2016 the Bloomington City Council approved an update of the City's 2008 Alternative Transportation Plan (ATP). The ATP Update includes:

  • Identification and prioritization of a core bicycle and pedestrian network throughout the City. 
  • New elements that focus on enhancement and maintenance of existing trail and sidewalk network, as well as way-finding.
  • Acknowledgement of work done over the past eight years and provide direction for future implementation and maintenance efforts.

The ATP Update provides a framework for prioritization of implementation of the City’s goals to meet the needs of individuals and families living, working and recreating in Bloomington through strategic investments in multi-modal transportation features.  Throughout the update process the residents have had opportunities to provide input into the plan through an online survey, stakeholder meetings and resident open houses.  Click the links below to access the ATP Update:

Questions and comments can be directed to Randy Quale, Parks and Recreation Manager at 952-563-8876, or Amy Marohn, Civil Engineer at 952-563-4532, or via email to ATPComments@BloomingtonMN.gov.

Below are links to the 2008 ATP as well as other related documents.

Contact Information

Contact Information

Parks and Recreation Department

Planning Division