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Community Outreach and Engagement Division


Reasonable accommodation/grievance form for people with disabilities

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Use this form:

  • To request a reasonable accommodation accessing the City's services, programs, or activities due to a disability, or 
  • To file a disability-related grievance.

Within 10 business days of receipt of this form, the City's ADA coordinator and appropriate staff will review your submission. During the evaluation process, the City may follow up with you to gather additional information about your reasonable accommodation request and to determine how to provide you with access to City services, programs or activities.

Contact info for person submitting this form
Are you making this request on someone"s behalf?
Contact info for whom you're submitting this form
Is this a request for accommodation or a complaint?
Do NOT provide information not related to your request. 

Do NOT enter sensitive medical information.
Leave blank if ongoing
Have you filed the complaint another federal, state, or local civil rights agency or court?
Other agency