
Employee feedback form


Emergency? CALL 911. Do not use this form to request a police or fire response. 

Please use our Police inquiry form to provide feedback about the Bloomington Police Department.

Use the form on this page, below, to:

  • Report misconduct committed by Bloomington employees.
  • Submit a general comment about Bloomington employees.
  • Offer positive feedback about Bloomington employees.

The City of Bloomington expects all employees to conduct themselves in a respectful, ethical and professional manner at all times and in all aspects of their job duties.

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Is this a concern, comment or compliment?
Note: Please use our Police inquiry form to provide feedback about the Bloomington Police Department.
ABOUT YOU (optional)
You are welcome to submit this form without answering all of the "Tell us more" information (above) or providing contact information (below). Without this information, it may be more difficult for the City to investigate and follow up fully.
My electronic signature, below, serves to attest that the information I am supplying is truthful and  accurate.
To remain anonymous, leave this field blank.
Contact Information

Contact Information

City of Bloomington