
Are you up for the plastic-free challenge?

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The Plastic-Free Challenge is back this February. Teams are invited to join the City of Bloomington to reduce plastic use in daily life and help spread community awareness about the problems plastic creates.

The Plastic-Free Challenge starts February 1 aims to reduce plastic consumption, especially single-use plastics, in ways that fit best with your lifestyle and have the most impact on reducing your footprint.

Sign up now. Once you have created your profile, you can browse categories and actions, check off actions you already take, and select up to five one-time actions and five daily actions to work on during the four-week challenge.

Throughout the month, you will report the actions you take, see your impact add up, connect with others and support your team members to keep them motivated and accountable. Learn more at tcplasticfree.ecochallenge.org.

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