Contact Information

Contact Information

City of Bloomington


Just Deeds project registration


If your property is determined to have a discriminatory covenant, a volunteer lawyer will work with you to retrieve a copy of the covenant, draft the requisite discharge form which all property owners must sign, and file the discharge form against the property’s legal title.  

See and the Bloomington Just Deeds Toolkit for additional information about this project in Bloomington.


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Register for assistance discharging a discriminatory covenant

Property information
You can find a property's PID number using Hennepin County's property information search. 
Applicant 1
Is Applicant 1 named on the deed to the property?
Is there an additional applicant?
Please have additional owner(s) enter their applicant information below. All owners of a property, including spouses of registered owners, must sign this application and must agree to participate in the project.
Applicant 2
Is Applicant 2 named on the deed to the property?
Is there an additional applicant?
Applicant 3
Is Applicant 3 named on the deed to the property?
Is there an additional applicant?
Applicant 4
Is Applicant 4 named on the deed to the property?
Are there additional owners?

By typing anything into a signature box below, applicants acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • Each applicant is electronically signing this application.
  • Each electronic signature serves as that individual's legal signature.
  • The City and its employees are providing a limited service to the applicant as described herein.
  • The City and its employees are not providing legal representation to or for the applicant.
  • Participation in this program does not create an attorney-client relationship between any applicant and the City, or between any applicant and any City employee.