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Public Health Division


Fight the flu


Quick tips

Flu prevention

  • Get plenty of rest, physical activity and eat healthy.
  • Stay home from school or work if you have a respiratory infection. Avoid exposing yourself to others who are sick with flu-like symptoms.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue away. If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
  • Clean surfaces you touch frequently, such as doorknobs, water faucets, refrigerator handles and telephones.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

When to seek care

Most people can fight the flu at home with rest and fluids. If you are in a group at high risk for complications and you become sick with the flu virus, you should contact your health care provider early on so that you can be given antiviral medication if needed. Contact your health care provider if your symptoms worsen.

Frequently asked questions
Is it a cold or the flu?
Signs and symptoms Influenza Cold
Onset Sudden Gradual
Fever Temperature of 100° F and above, lasting 3-4 days None or a temperature of less than 100° F
Cough Dry, sometimes severe Hacking
Headache Prominent Rare
Muscle pain Usual, often severe Uncommon or mild
Tiredness and weakness Lasting 2-3 weeks Very mild and brief
Extreme exhaustion Early and prominent Never
Chest discomfort Common Uncommon or mild
Stuffy nose Sometimes Common
Sneezing Sometimes Typical
Sore throat Sometimes Common